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Tiptoz Policies

  • All email communication should be sent to either or

  • Newsletters will be regularly available for studio updates.

  • Only clean dance shoes are permitted in dance studios.

  • Tiptoz is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

  • Tiptoz management and its instructors are not liable for injuries sustained on the premises.

  • Tiptoz classes are subject to cancellation or change of time, location, teacher or substitution based on management discretion.

  • Filming and/or photography of any sort are not permitted at any time unless prior written consent is given.

  • No animals are permitted on the premises except identified service animals.

  • Food and/or gum are not permitted in the studios. Bottled water is acceptable.

  • Choreography learned in class is property of the Instructor and cannot be used outside of the lesson without written consent. 

  • Children under the age of 12 in waiting areas should be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian. 

  • Emergency closings are posted on our Website and facebook site.

Registration & Payment Policies

  • Monthly invoices are based on the total number of classes in the entire dance season, divided by 10 months.  The monthly payments remain the same even if one month there are 2-3 classes, or if there are 4-5 classes. This is to provide a consistent monthly invoice.

  • $15 Enrollment fee / student

  • $20 Family Enrollment

  • Students must have a signed waiver of liability before starting classes.

  • Class placement is based on Instructor discretion. We will place the student in the class that is best suited and most appropriate for them. 

  • All invoices will be sent out via email.

  • All sales are final and are not refundable or transferable.

  • Payments can be a made via our merchant pay system through an e-mail sent to the primary account email address.  The payment can be made with a Paypal account  or a debit/credit card. 

  • Payments will now be accepted at the studio via cash/check. 

  • Classes that cancelled will have make-up classes scheduled. Classes will not be pro-rated under any circumstances unless the class was cancelled by Tiptoz Management (and a make-up class was not offered). 

  • To dis-enroll in a course requires a written 30-day notice to

  • Tuition that is one week past due will accumulate a $10 late fee.

  • Tuition that is two weeks past due will result in suspension of dancer from classes and programming.


Of course at Tiptoz we hope everyone will love dance and stay with us for the full season, and we believe it is important to teach children to finish what they start. However, we also know sometimes life changes, or a child’s interest or focus changes. Therefore, if for any reason you need to cease your year's obligation  at Tiptoz, please notify the office of your withdrawal by providing a completed withdrawal form, only available by request,  prior to the month you plan to discontinue, and your billing commitment will be cancelled.  You will not be discontinued without notifying the office and simply not coming to class will not relieve you of your tuition obligation- so please follow procedure and notify us of any change in intention regarding enrollment.


Missed Classes:

If a student is absent because of illness or is on vacation, there are no discounts given for classes missed.  You may not skip a monthly payment if you do not attend classes, but you are invited to make-up the classes at your convenience or forfeit them.  Once again, this is because you are not paying a monthly fee for the classes taken in any given month- the year’s tuition has simply been broken down into convenient payments reflecting the total number of classes offered for the entire year,  and a payment is due each and every month regardless of attendance.        


No Refunds:

There is a strict NO REFUND policy for moneys paid in advance for tuition or costumes, even in cases where students have not taken a class.  For this reason we ask our students to carefully choose the classes they want to take, knowing in advance the payment is taken as a guarantee of holding that student's space for a class.  A student may, however, apply her tuition towards other classes if he/she chooses to change the day or subject he/she wants to study.  Tuition is not transferable to other students or family members. In cases where payment is made for a costume that you will not be using at recital, you are still required to pay for it, and will still receive your costume for dress-up or play.



Returned Checks:

All returned checks will acquire a $35 fee.



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