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The Kanvas offers several options for Company dancers. These dancers will travel to learn and perform outside of their communities and have special production level routines at our annual recital. Soloists, Duets, and Trios are considered part of our Company. There are specific class requirements and an audition process for the Kanvas Company dancers. Dancers may chose whether they participate in Shine, the competition dance team, Troop, the hip hop dance team, or Big Broadway.

2024-2025 Company Dates: 
(Subject to change)

Aug 5-8: Wamego Studio Intensives & Nutcracker Choreography 
August 12 & 13: CG Studio Intensives
August 19-29 CG Studio Block Choreography Classes

Sept. 8, WA Company Kick-Off Party and Pictures
Sept. 22, CG Company Kick-Off Party and Pictures
Oct. 5: Oztoberfest, Wamego (TEA & Shine)
Oct.12: Sethfest, Council Grove (TEA & Shine)
Nov. 3: Turn It Up Convention: Required/Competitive, Optional/Company
Nov. 9: Nutcracker in Council Grove for Candlelight Charm

December 1: Second Performance for Nutcracker (Manhattan Towne Center)
Optional Convention:
January 24-26 Radix Convention Kansas City, MO
December: We would like to perform at local retirement homes, dates TBA.
All Team Lock In, Jan. 10 or 11 (subject to change)
Feb. 4th: CG Troop Performance Halftime CG Lady Braves Game
Feb. 23, Competitive Showcase (Council Grove)



March 1-2, Solos/Duets/Trios/Small Groups: Optional Competition looking for a local competition.
March 28-30, Flint Hills Invitational Competition:, Council Grove
April 11-13 Sheer Elite Competition: (Tulip Fest same weekend, may have a small group perform if possible.)
-Looking for one more community performance in the spring.

-Studio Recitals


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